A place to find your roods, ground and stand strong with
an open hart.

Welcome to Terra Firme
We have a deep desire to leave the world better than we were born in to it. We are convinced that when you live from your own hart and strength. Your own true essence: you will place your own unique, indispensable contribution to the world.
It is clear that we as a society still have to grow and develop ourselves in this area. (So that everyone will soon be able to express his or her heart's desire as an equal world citizen.) Our place TERRA FIRME is a place where we can support this growth. This through workshops, coaching, retreats, ceremonies, sweat lodges, bodywork and much more.​

We offer a peaceful place of rest. You can stay with us in the B&B. Or visit us with your own camper / tent / caravan.
Always contact us for this service: We only have a few places available.
For individual healing sessions. Acupuncture, massage, coaching of shamanic healing:

Our Story
TERRA FIRME is a place that brings you back to your true self and makes you stand firmly in your own power again. Terra Firme means "FIRM GROUND" in Portuguese. And firm ground is what everyone needs in his/her life: Because if you stand firmly with your feet on the earth. Then you are able to face everything your heart desires and life has to offer you.
Ae you interested to hear more about our personal story? You can read our current journey here:

Acupuncturist, Canyon guide, Medicine woman
I'm a medicine woman. I am passionate about nature and the healing work I do.
Within the health-care- system I work with acupuncture and massage. But also I work as a shamanic practitioner. By giving meaningful ceremony’s, individual healing sessions and workshops. I try to help every person who is on the path of personal growth.
In the summer season you can find me in the mountain's. Or more specific: in the canyons. Canyoning is a very important part of my life. They teach me, they humble me and they help me grow with strength and honesty.
Everyone carry’s a light inside themselves. A spark, a flame, a special sours of energy: This is your own true essence. It is my life purpose to re-candle this light in humanity.
Life can be difficult. Because of this: as humans we sometimes forget this special spark. I went to a lot of darkness myself to learn to understand what it means to really dare to be yourself and shine your own light. Trough trauma, depression and PTSD I learned to overcome my own shadows. It felt as a painful ride. (And sometimes life is). But it became a powerful initiation journey.
I work with the shamanic wisdom that unleashed inside me during this journey. And I feel humbled to work with the shamanic wisdom that have been passed on to me by the teachers that have supported me along the way. Differed teachers from different back grounds and different cultures along the way, helped me find and (re)-candle life in my own strength and wisdom. I hope I can do the same for the people around me.

Freedom fighter, Self-sufficient farmer, nature lover and spiritual apprentice
I am a freedom fighter continuously seeking alternatives to free up from the established conventions weather they are physical or psychologic. I live and nurture an harmonious relationship with mother nature where my work as a self-sufficient farmer is greatly decided by nature in a symbiotic level as well as native wisdom from our ancestors.
Since early on I have lived and experienced intense feelings throughout my youth. I was separated from my parents at my 6 years old of age and boarded a children’s shelter. 5 years later my father (my great pilar) passed away. These circumstances forced me to seek for spiritual and inner self guidance since young age but the tools weren’t there yet, despite the strong perception of an higher spirit.
I now have an opportunity to learn heal and share this knowledge with everyone else in need.
I hope to combine all these ingredients for a better world and help bring us back to our roots as a civilization.

Coming soon
Terra Firme will start giving shamanic Teatchings starding with the educational year program: Strong Roods

Shamanic year training: Strong Roods
Strong Roods is a powerful education program. During this training you will be guided through the path of initiation within shamanism. We will follow the wisdom of nature from a shamanic point of view. Knowledge and wisdom that is embedded within the traditions and cultures from all over the world. Not only will you learn the basic principles and practice of shamanism during this training.
Every person has unique talents. These talent’s we call our personal medicine. We will focus on developing our own talents so we can create a personal working method. We will make space for active training and practice of the medicine we have to offer to the world.
For ourselves, for our loved ones and the world around us.
In a healing way
In a medicine way
For the good of all